Treasure values


Interest on BTAs is pre-deducted
Transactions on OTAs are made at the foot of the coupon (i.e. the buyer must pay the accrued interest to the seller)


Market risk: the sale by an investor of an OTA before maturity could result in a capital gain or loss in the event of a fluctuation in the price of the security following the risks on said security; in the event of the sale of a BTA before maturity, the Investor could pay the new purchaser an interest rate higher than the initial rate.

Liquidity risk: possibility for an investor wishing to sell the security before maturity, of not being able to sell his OTA or BTA, due to a lack of buyers on the market; however, SVTs are obliged to purchase the securities at the conditions they offer on the market.

Counterparty risk: corresponds to the risk incurred by the investor in the event that the Issuer fails to meet its commitments to settle principal or interest payments; however, some issuers mitigate this risk on certain treasury securities through the escrow account mechanism.

Cotation du 24/03/2025 AU 26/03/2025

BTACAMEROUNCM1200001954 BTA 26 24 SEPT 202519/03/202826 SE%AINES1 000 00030 00024/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
OTACAMEROUNCM2K00000086 OTA 4 ANS 6,5% 26 MARS 202926/03/20294 ANS1 000 00025 00024/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
BTAGUINEE EQUATORIALEGQ1300001484 BTA 52 26 MARS 202626/03/202652 SEMAINES1 000 00015 00025/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
OTACONGOCG2B00000030 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 6,5% 16 JUIL 202616/07/20261,3 ANS10 00020 00025/03/20259h00mnADJABONDEMENT
BTACONGOCG1100001052 BTA 13 26 JUIN 202526/06/202513 SEMAINES1 000 00035 00025/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
OTACONGOCG2A00000619 OTA 2 ANS 5,75% 27 mars 202727/03/20252 ANS10 00020 00025/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
BTACONGOCG120001507 BTA 26 25 SEPT 202525/09/202526 SEMAINES1 000 00025 00025/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
BTAGABONGA1200002416 BTA 26 26 SEPT 202526/09/202526 SEMAINES1 000 00010 00026/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
BTAGABONGA130000781 BTA 52 20 MARS 202620/03/202652 SEMAINES1 000 00010 00026/03/20259h00mnADJNOUVELLE EMISSION
BTARCACF1300000061 BTA 52 19 NOVE 202519/11/20252801 000 000286 000 0006,63%10 000 0007,27%
OTARCACF2J00000059 OTA 3 ANS 6.5% 20 SEPT 202520/09/202522010 000526 000 000100,06%10 000 00099,64%
OTARCACF2J00000075 OTA 3 ANS 6,5% 01 FEV 202601/02/202635410 0003 000 00099,60%10 000 00099,06%
OTARCACF2K00000023 OTA 4 ANS 6,5% 22 FEV 202722/02/202774010 000296 000 00096,93%10 000 00093,86%
BTACONGOCG1300000573 BTA 52 21 AOUT 202521/08/20251901 000 00043 000 0006,11%10 000 0006,81%
BTACONGOCG1300000722 BTA 52 13 NOV 202513/11/20252741 000 0001 500 000 0006,18%10 000 0006,90%
BTACONGOCG1300000730 BTA 52 20 NOV 202520/11/20252811 000 0001 500 000 0006,18%10 000 0006,91%
OTACONGOCG2A00000478 OTA 02 ANS 5,4% 1 MARS 202601/03/202638210 0003 000 000 00099,00%10 000 00098,17%
OTACONGOCG2A00000528 OTA 2 ANS 6% 27 JUIN 202627/06/202650010 000599 000 00098,56%10 000 00097,10%
OTACONGOCG2A00000551 OTA 2 ANS 5,5% 29 aout 202629/08/202656310 000900 000 00097,04%10 000 00095,17%
OTACONGOCG2B00000030 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 6,5% 16 JUIL 202616/07/202651910 000300 000 000100,00%10 000 00097,48%
OTACONGOCG2B00000048 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 24 FEV 202724/02/202774210 0002 000 00096,16%10 000 00092,85%
OTACONGOCG2J00000305 OTA-3 ans 5,75% 08 DEC-202508/12/202529910 0001 264 000 00099,63%10 000 00099,03%
OTACONGOCG2J00000321 OTA 3 ANS 5,75% 19 JAN 202619/01/202634110 000450 000 00099,55%10 000 00098,86%
OTACONGOCG2J00000321 OTA 3ANS 5,75% 19 JANV 202619/01/202634110 000450 000 00099,55%10 000 00098,86%
OTACONGOCG2J00000362 OTA 3 ANS 5,7% 25 MAI 202625/05/202646710 000597 000 00098,52%10 000 00097,26%
OTACONGOCG2J00000370 OTA 3 ANS 6% 15 JUIN 202615/06/202648810 000585 000 00098,69%10 000 00097,30%
OTACONGOCG2J00000388 OTA 3 ANS 6% 22 JUIN 202622/06/202649510 000195 000 00098,62%10 000 00097,19%
OTACONGOCG2J00000438 OTA-3 ANS 5,75% 05-OCT-202605/10/202660010 000300 000 00096,90%10 000 00094,77%
OTACONGOCG2J00000479 OTA 3 ANS 6% 30 NOV 202630/11/202665610 000299 000 00096,47%10 000 00093,90%
OTACONGOCG2K00000195 OTA 4 ANS 6% 28 MARS 202828/03/20281 14010 0002 100 000 00093,38%10 000 00085,75%
OTACAMEROUNCM2B00000061 OTA 5ANS 5,5% 26 MARS 202626/03/202640710 000150 000 00099,55%10 000 00098,39%
OTACAMEROUNCM2B00000095 5,5% OTA 5 ANS 9 MARS 202709/03/202775510 0001 500 000 00098,97%10 000 00094,76%
OTACAMEROUNCM2B00000129 OTA 5 ANS 5.75% 08 MARS 202808/03/20281 12010 000300 000 00098,47%10 000 00091,46%
OTACAMEROUNCM2C00000052 OTA-7 ANS 6,5 % 12-MARS-202812/03/20281 12410 0002 685 000 00098,68%10 000 00093,72%
OTACAMEROUNCM2L00000010 OTA 6 ANS 6% 09 OCTOBRE 202609/10/202660410 0001 500 000 000100,00%10 000 00097,37%
OTAGABONGA2B00000042 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 25 SEPT 202525/09/202522510 000325 000 000100,33%10 000 00099,77%
OTAGABONGA2B00000075 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 09 JUIL 202609/07/202651210 000300 000 000100,00%10 000 00096,55%
OTAGABONGA2B00000109 OTA 5 ANS 6,25% 11 MARS 202711/03/202775710 0003 000 00095,85%10 000 00089,86%
OTAGABONGA2B00000117 OTA 5 ANS 6.25% 05 AOUT 202705/08/202790410 000600 000 00095,05%10 000 00089,39%
OTAGABONGA2B00000125 OTA 5 ANS 6,5% 25 NOV 202725/11/20271 01610 000244 000 00095,83%10 000 00090,05%
OTAGABONGA2J00000283 OTA 3 ANS 5,5% 13 JANVIER 202613/01/202633510 000270 000 00099,44%10 000 00098,36%
OTAGABONGA2K00000025 OTA 4 ANS 5,75% 11 MARS 202611/03/202639210 000600 000 00099,27%10 000 00097,91%
OTAGABONGA2K00000041 OTA 4 ANS 5.75% 16 SEPT 202616/09/202658110 000600 000 00096,02%10 000 00093,74%
OTAGABONGA2K00000082 OTA 4 ANS 5,75% 19 MAI 202719/05/202782610 000300 000 00094,32%10 000 00088,45%
OTATCHADTD2A00000677 OTA 2 ANS 6 % 24 NOV 202524/11/202528510 000567 000 00099,58%10 000 00099,11%
OTATCHADTD2A00000867 OTA 2 ANS 6% 04 JUIN 202614/06/202648710 0001 264 000 00098,39%10 000 00096,76%
OTATCHADTD2B00000080 OTA-5ANS 5,5% 02-Avril-202602/04/202641410 0005 565 000 00098,64%10 000 00097,47%
OTATCHADTD2J00000165 OTA 3 ANS 6.5% 12 AOUT 202512/08/202518110 000883 000 000100,05%10 000 00099,75%
OTATCHADTD2J00000256 OTA 3 ANS 07 OCT 202507/10/202523710 0008 000 000100,02%10 000 00099,63%
OTATCHADTD2J00000405 OTA 3 ANS 5% 15 SEPT 202615/09/202658010 000180 000 00095,83%10 000 00093,14%
OTATCHADTD2J00000454 OTA-3 ANS 6,5% 03 NOV 202603/11/202662910 0003 000 00098,45%10 000 00094,34%
OTATCHADTD2J00000462 OTA-3 ANS 6,5% 10 NOV 202610/11/202663610 000387 000 00097,60%10 000 00094,16%
OTATCHADTD2J00000470 OTA 3 ANS 6,5% 17 NOV 202617/11/202527810 000251 000 00099,98%10 000 00099,52%